The best tips for caring for sheepskins

Real sheepskin is a natural product that is particularly popular for its natural shine and softness. These natural properties must be carefully cared for so that the sheepskin stays beautiful for a long time. To keep your fur fluffy and soft, we give you some practical tips and tricks in the following blog post on how to properly care for and clean your sheepskin.

In order to understand the principles of proper sheepskin care, it first makes sense to take a closer look at the structure and composition of sheepskin. One of the main components of sheepskin is lanolin. This is a fatty substance that not only keeps the sheepskin soft and shiny, but also has a dirt-repellent and self-cleaning function. Lanolin is therefore very important for the beauty and cleanliness of your sheepskin. If it is not cared for correctly, the lanolin can be accidentally removed from the sheepskin. In the following tips, we will show you how you can clean your sheepskin and at the same time preserve the lanolin in the fur.


Dry cleaning: Since sheepskin is a very easy-care material and has naturally self-cleaning and dirt-repellent properties, dry cleaning is usually sufficient. We recommend that you regularly brush the fur carefully and remove dust particles using a soft brush, preferably a special wool and sheepskin brush.

Stain removal: No matter how careful we are, sometimes it happens: we spill something on our beloved sheepskin and a stain appears. Don't worry. We'll show you how to gently clean your sheepskin again. To remove stains from your sheepskin, you should carefully dab the fresh stain with a damp cloth. And this is where your knowledge of the composition of sheepskin comes in handy. As already explained, sheepskin contains the important fatty substance lanolin, which ensures natural shine and suppleness. In order to keep your sheepskin as beautiful as possible, it is therefore important to handle the lanolin in the fur carefully. Conventional cleaning products are usually composed in such a way that their fat-dissolving effect dissolves the lanolin from the fur and rinses it out.

To prevent this, you should only use very mild cleaning agents. The best option is to use special sheepskin cleaners, which not only clean the fur particularly gently, but also condition it with added lanolin.

You should also be careful not to use hot water or too much water, as this could wash the lanolin out of the fur.


To avoid unpleasant odors and to maintain a fresh scent, we recommend storing your sheepskin in a well-ventilated area. You can also hang your sheepskin outside for a few hours on a regular basis to air it out, but be sure to avoid direct sunlight and moisture.


Sheepskins don't like moisture. As we've already learned, the reason for this is largely because moisture reduces the important amount of lanolin in the fur, causing the sheepskin to lose its shiny fluffy character and instead become deformed and hard. Therefore, it's important to find a dry place for your sheepskin.

It is also important to use as little moisture as possible when caring for and cleaning the sheepskin. If the use of water is unavoidable, for example to remove stains, you should let your sheepskin dry as gently and slowly as possible.The best thing to do is to lay your fur on a towel, pull it into shape and shake it out regularly. When drying, make sure to let the sheepskin dry away from direct sunlight or other heat sources. After drying, you can gently brush your sheepskin with a soft brush until it is fluffy again.


If you are not going to use your sheepskin for a while, it is important not to just stuff it into a closet with a plastic bag, but to find a suitable place where the quality of your sheepskin will be preserved. The place should be as dry and cool as possible. Good ventilation will also ensure that your sheepskin smells fresh even when you use it again. It is best to store your sheepskin in a breathable storage bag. This will prevent dirt particles from getting into your fur, but still allows your fur to breathe.

care products

In order to preserve the natural beauty of sheepskins, only special wool and sheepskin cleaners should be used for care and cleaning. These are much milder than conventional cleaning agents and thus prevent the important lanolin from being washed out. In order to not only preserve the natural shine and suppleness, but also to care for it as best as possible, sheepskin cleaners usually even contain additional lanolin and thus have a moisturizing effect. For all those who want to preserve the quality of their lambskins for as long as possible, we recommend using cleaning agents specifically for sheepskin.

Professional cleaning

Most people wash their clothes at home in the washing machine. Some sheepskins can also be washed at home in the washing machine under certain conditions, but this involves a little effort. From the right cleaning agent to the optimal washing temperature to gentle drying - everything has to be right so that your sheepskin is still soft and fluffy after washing.

If a wash is absolutely necessary due to intensive soiling, it makes sense to consider having it professionally cleaned at a laundry. Laundries usually offer an all-round, worry-free package where you can drop off your soiled sheepskin and pick it up again a few days later, clean and, above all, soft.


When cleaning and caring for sheepskin, the basic principle is: "Less is more". Sheepskin is a natural product and should be cared for as naturally as possible. The selection of suitable care and cleaning products is particularly important. Special wool and sheepskin cleaners with a composition that is as natural as possible are best. Otherwise, it is important to protect the sheepskin from external influences such as sunlight, heat and moisture and to ensure good ventilation.

If you have spilled something on the sheepskin, you can remove fresh stains by carefully dabbing them with a damp towel. For intensive, already dried stains, a wash cycle in the washing machine may be necessary. If this is the case, it is worth considering professional cleaning.

If you follow the above tips for sheepskin care, your beloved sheepskin should last as long as possible and make your living space cozy and cuddly.

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