Sheepskin leather hard after washing

Real sheepskin is praised by many people for its exceptional softness and fluffiness. But if it is not cared for properly or washed incorrectly, the otherwise shiny, cozy sheepskin can become hard and rough.

As a sheepskin owner, it is important to understand that sheepskin brings its suppleness and fluffiness from nature. In order to maintain these natural benefits for many years, it is important to care for sheepskin properly and wash it gently.

In the following blog post we will give you tips and solutions for restoring the natural softness of your sheepskin, so that your sheepskin can create a comfortably warm living environment even after washing.

Why does sheepskin become hard after washing?

To understand why sheepskin becomes hard after washing, you need to take a closer look at its natural properties.

Perhaps you have ever wondered why your sheepskin shines so beautifully and is so supple? Sheepskins contain lanolin or wool wax. This fatty substance covers the sheepskin like a protective film and not only makes it dirt and moisture-repellent, but also keeps it soft and cozy. In addition, sheepskin consists largely of proteins, which give the wool fibers their solid structure and protect them from external influences. The composition of the sheepskin is responsible for all the properties that we humans love about sheepskin and must be cared for and protected accordingly.

Incorrect washing or care can change the natural structure of the sheepskin and thus destroy the fluffy properties of the sheepskin, making the fur hard. So that after caring for or washing your sheepskin you don't have to worry about how to get your sheepskin soft again, you should avoid the following mistakes:

  1. The use of unsuitable detergents

When cleaning sheepskins, you should not use conventional detergents as these often have a grease-dissolving effect and would therefore wash out the important lanolin from the sheepskins. This could cause your sheepskin to dry out, become matted and look dull.

  1. Incorrect washing temperature and application of heat

An incorrect washing temperature can also destroy the properties of your sheepskin. In particular, the use of water that is too hot has a grease-dissolving effect, similar to conventional detergents, so that the lanolin is dissolved and washed out of the fur and the sheepskin consequently loses its shine and suppleness. In addition, hot water also destroys the proteins in the fine fur fibers, which means that the solid structure of the sheepskin is lost and it can become brittle.

In principle, heat should be avoided not only when washing, but also when drying. In particular, drying in direct sunlight or near other heat sources can cause the sheepskin to become hard and brittle.

  1. Too much moisture

It is best to ask yourself before each wash whether this is really necessary, as the use of moisture and cleaning agents almost always has an impact on the structure and condition of the sheepskin. Even too much moisture when caring for and cleaning sheepskin can change the fibers of sheepskin in such a way that the sheepskin deforms or becomes matted.


If a wash cycle is unavoidable, you should definitely avoid the sources of error listed so that your sheepskin remains fluffy and cozy even after washing.


How to properly prepare for sheepskin care?

To prevent your sheepskin from becoming hard after cleaning, the three following care tips will help you.

  1. Choose the right products for care and cleaning

Use only special sheepskin cleaners and conditioners.

Many conventional textile cleaners contain solvents to dissolve and remove fats and waxes. These cleaners should not be used on real sheepskin, as the fats (especially lanolin) make an important contribution to the beauty and softness of the sheepskin. Instead, mild cleaners should be used that clean the sheepskin, but without removing the fat from the fur.

For the same reasons, wool detergent should preferably be used when washing real sheepskin. This is a natural and mild detergent that will clean your sheepskin without damaging the fine wool fibers. Many sheepskin and wool detergents contain added lanolin. This ensures that, despite cleaning, the fur receives enough oils to make it shiny and supple again.


  1. Check your sheepskin before washing

Do you see any stains or other dirt? Is a wash really necessary?

 Is the fur already matting or becoming harder? Is it becoming brittle?

Your sheepskin may have areas or damage that you should pay particular attention to when cleaning and caring for it?

Depending on the condition of your fur, you should plan the care and cleaning.

  1. Professional cleaning and hand washing instead of washing machine


Nowadays, most people wash their laundry at home using the washing machine. But especially with natural products, such as sheepskin, it is important to clean them as gently as possible. Therefore, it makes sense to wash sheepskin by hand instead.

The second alternative to washing at home would be professional cleaning. There are many laundries that specifically offer sheepskin cleaning, so you can be assured that your sheepskin is being optimally cared for. Anyone who wants to clean their sheepskin properly should consider this gentle alternative, as the specialized laundries not only have a variety of mild care and cleaning products, but have also usually optimized the washing process so that your sheepskin not only looks good after washing clean, but also fluffy and soft.


Overall, there are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind to ensure that your sheepskin doesn't become hard after washing. Above all, choosing suitable care and cleaning products plays an important role, as does avoiding heat and too much moisture.

But even if your sheepskin has become hard after washing, there are a few ways to get the sheepskin soft again. Special wool brushes in particular are a good way to make rough fur soft again. Special care products with lanolin can also give the fine sheepskin fibers their fluffy and shiny properties again.

However, with proper care and cleaning you should prevent your sheepskin from becoming hard in the first place. Always remember that sheepskin is a natural product and its fluffy and soft properties should be cared for as gently and naturally as possible.

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