Schaffell Waschen mit Shampoo – Der ultimative Leitfaden

Sheepskin Washing with Shampoo – The Ultimate Guide

Sheepskins are not only practical companions, but also stylish accessories that impress with their natural warmth and softness. In order to maintain their beauty and functionality in the long term, regular care is essential. Washing with shampoo in particular can be an effective step in keeping the coat fresh and well-groomed.

In the past, keeping sheepskins clean without damaging them was often a challenge. But with the right techniques and products, the fur can be gently cleaned and its natural structure restored. The decision on how and when to wash the sheepskin not only affects its appearance, but also its longevity.


Preparation: Prepare the sheepskin properly

Before including your sheepskin in your washing routine, thorough preparation is essential to achieve the best results and avoid damaging the material. Proper preparation begins with choosing the right shampoo. A mild, pH-neutral shampoo that is especially suitable for sensitive textiles is ideal. Avoid aggressive cleaning agents that could dry out or discolor the leather.

Once you have chosen the right shampoo, it is important to check the coat for any damage or heavy soiling. Small tears or loose areas should be repaired before washing to prevent further damage to the fur. Coarse dirt and loose dirt can be carefully removed with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush.

In addition to the shampoo, you will need a few other utensils: a soft cloth or sponge, a bowl for the shampoo solution and possibly a soft brush for post-processing. Make sure all tools are clean to prevent additional contamination from being transferred to the fur.


Step-by-step instructions: Wash sheepskin with shampoo

Washing a sheepskin with shampoo requires precision and care to ensure the fur is thoroughly cleaned without damaging its valuable structure. Here is a simple step-by-step guide to complete this process successfully.

  1. Pre-treatment of the fur:
    Before dipping the sheepskin in water, carefully remove any coarse dirt and dust with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush. This preparation prevents dirt particles from being pushed deeper into the fur during the washing process.
  2. Prepare shampoo mixture:
    Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add a small amount of mild shampoo. Proper dilution is crucial; too high a concentration can dry out the fur, while too low a concentration may not be enough to remove all dirt.
  3. Gentle Cleaning:
    Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the shampoo solution and wring it well so that it is only slightly damp. Gently wipe the fur using gentle, circular motions. Avoid vigorous rubbing or excessive moisture to avoid stressing the leather.
  4. Thorough rinsing:
    Rinse the coat with fresh, lukewarm water to remove any remaining shampoo. This can be done either in a bathtub or under running water. Be careful not to leave any shampoo behind as this can make the fur stiff and sticky.
  5. Drying:
    Gently squeeze excess water out of the fur without wringing it out.Hang the fur in a shady, well-ventilated area to allow it to dry slowly. Avoid direct sunlight or radiators as these can dry out the leather.

Use these step-by-step instructions to ensure your sheepskin stays clean and well-groomed without losing its natural texture and softness. Gentle handling and thorough drying are the key to optimal results.


Drying and care: Treat the fur properly

After washing your sheepskin, proper drying and aftercare is crucial to maintaining the quality and softness of the fur. Here are the steps you should follow to ensure your sheepskin is optimally cared for.

  1. Drying:
    After you have carefully squeezed the excess water out of the fur, drying is the next important step. Hang the fur in a well-ventilated, shady area - ideally somewhere protected from direct sunlight and radiators. This environment prevents the fur from drying out or becoming distorted. Avoid drying the fur in direct sunlight or over a radiator as this can affect the structure of the leather.
  2. Loosening the hair:
    While the fur dries, it is helpful to gently fluff the hair regularly with a soft brush or comb. This prevents the hair from sticking or clumping and helps maintain the natural texture and softness of the fur. Be sure to do this gently so as not to damage the fibers.
  3. Aftercare:
    Once the fur is completely dry, it can be treated from time to time with a special leather care product to keep it supple and shiny. Apply a small amount of leather grease or care oil and gently work it into the fur. This protects the leather from drying out and gives it a beautiful, natural shine.

Through this careful drying and aftercare, you ensure that your sheepskin not only looks good, but also retains its longevity and functionality. With the right care, your sheepskin remains a luxurious and comfortable accessory that will give you joy for a long time.


Common mistakes and tips to avoid them

When washing sheepskins, it is important to avoid some common mistakes to avoid damaging the fur. Too much water can soften the leather and affect its structure. Therefore, the fur should only be treated slightly damp. The choice of cleaning agent is also crucial: Always use mild, pH-neutral shampoos so as not to dry out the leather.

Hide drying should be done in a shady, well-ventilated area to prevent the leather from hardening or drying out. Direct sunlight and radiators are taboo. Finally, aftercare is important: After drying, apply some leather grease or care oil to keep the fur supple and shiny. These simple precautions will help preserve the life and beauty of your sheepskin.



Caring for your sheepskin is essential to preserve its natural beauty and functionality. Through proper preparation, gentle cleaning and careful drying, you can ensure that the fur not only stays clean, but also supple and long-lasting. Choosing the right care products and avoiding common mistakes play a crucial role.

By following these simple but effective steps, you can give your sheepskin the attention it deserves. Regular and careful care will not only improve the appearance of the coat, but also significantly extend its lifespan.

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